Is it Safe to Work Out Everyday?

You’ve started a new exercise routine and you are pumped!

You’re feeling the positive effects of your newfound routine.  Your mood is improved.  You’re motivated.  You’re eating healthier.  You’re on track to meeting your health & fitness goals.

But, will you meet your goals faster if you workout everyday?

The honest answer is, IT DEPENDS….

There are so many factors that come into play when you’re assessing your fitness routine and whether or not it’s appropriate to work out every day.  First let’s consider both the positive and potential negative effects working out on daily basis can have:


  1. Regular Movement- You will certainly be moving more than often than you had been when you started working out.
  2. Goals- You are more likely to reach your fitness goals with regular exercise.
  3. Improved Mental Health- You will notice a boost in your mood and have increased memory & problem-solving skills that will carry over into other areas of your life.
  4. Diet- You are more likely to eat healthier foods.

Potential Negatives:

  1. Boredom- If you are doing the same few workouts each week, you’ll likely eventually suffer from mental burnout.  This can lead to boredom and eventually loss of motivation to continue.  You will be back to square one.
  2. Recovery- If you are only not combining higher intensity with lower intensity days, your body does not have time to recover from your previous training session.  Overworking or overusing the same muscle groups can hurt your progress or even worse, lead to injury.
  3. Restrictive Diet- not properly fueling with the appropriate amounts of protein, carbs, and fats, your body will not have the proper building blocks for muscle recovery and energy during workouts.

How do I Create a Balance?

First and foremost, keep moving but make sure to vary your workouts incorporating both high intensity & lower intensity days. 

Active Recovery– Here at Rugged Terrain, we encourage active recovery days and they are regularly programmed into our weekly class schedule.  If you are working out at home, an active recovery day can consist of walking, hiking, biking, or swimming, or even taking time to focus on mobility for the day.

Diet– Track your food for a week counting the grams of protein, carbs, and fats you’re consuming on a daily basis.  Are you giving your body the proper nutrients to recover and still make progress towards your goals?  On average you should be consuming a minimum of 0.73-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight.  Athletes and heavy exercisers, have increased protein requirements to maintain and increase performance. 

As you can see, there are many factors that determine how often you should workout.  The most important cue is to listen to your body.  If you are feeling overly tired or worn down, give yourself permission to take a rest or active recovery day.

If you are stuck and not sure what the right program or routine is for you, book a Free Intro appointment with one of our coaches.  They will help you set up with a personalized fitness and nutrition program that will maximize your results and also tell you when it’s time for a recovery day. 

Schedule Your Free Intro

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